Tuesday 15 October 2024 - 15:47:33

Catholic School

Foundations of Catholic Identity

The foundations of Enhancing Catholic School Identity are rooted in the pedagogical theology in development at the Catholic University of Leuven since the time of the Second Vatican Council. The call of the Council is to "..." [renew] our witness to Jesus Christ and "..." [reprofile] our faith tradition in relation to a changing world.

Education and Scholarship

Through the Catholic University of Leuven, there are a variety of opportunities for research and education concerning Enhancing Catholic School Identity, from online courses and on-campus intensive programs, to presentations, workshops and continuing scholarship.

Assessing Catholic Identity

ECSI utilises a variety of online survey instruments to assess attitudes among students, teachers, staff, families and other constituencies towards the foundations of Catholic school identity. These instruments are aligned with theoretical structures developed at the Catholic University of Leuven and undergo continuous measures of scientific validation.

Enhancing Catholic Identity

From practical theological instruments to tools for professional development, a variety of resources exist to guide schools in designing and leading projects towards enhancing their Catholic identity. PD tools such as exercises, case studies, exemplars, and formative assessments are available to select partner schools and organizations in an ongoing collaboration with the Catholic University of Leuven.

Catholic Identity Best Practices

Each project page includes a variety of resources from documents and pictures, to a design plan and reflections from the author(s), to remarks and feedback from colleagues and experts at the ECSI Research Group. While the project resources are copyright protected, users are free to reflect on how they might develop similar projects in their own context and are welcome to reach out to the ECSI Research Group for more guidance.